[Vidéo] It's Just A Five Minute Walk - Experimental Short Film Autism

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[Vidéo] It's Just A Five Minute Walk - Experimental Short Film Autism

Message par Poulpys »

It's Just A Five Minute Walk - Experimental Short Film Autism sur la chaîne Youtube de Laura-Lys Alvarez
This is an experimental film based on the testimonies of 13 women who answered a survey about the representation of autistic meltdowns on screen. The goal of the film was to incorporate stylistic choices the women found realistic in current industry examples and add elements of meltdowns which were not often illustrated in film and TV shows. The film also reflects their own testimonies regarding how they live their meltdown (what triggers it, what do they feel, hear, smell etc.).
The research question of this experimental project was “How to improve the representation of autistic women within the context of a popular film and television audience using different stylistic solutions”.
As a young autistic filmmaker, I also tried to incorporate some of the emotions and sensations I feel during my meltdowns and engage with this difficult experience in a creative yet realistic way.

J'ai particulièrement aimé ce film court expérimental. Il dépeint avec justesse certaines difficultés rencontrées dans l'autisme.
Certifiée conforme TSA (et HPI) Avril 2018 (psychiatre libéral)
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Re: [Vidéo] It's Just A Five Minute Walk - Experimental Short Film Autism

Message par freeshost »

C'est une caméra-drône qui tourne autour d'elle à nous donner mal à la tête ? :lol:

C'est marrant, la musique dans ses écouteurs : une chanson en français sur une mauvaise journée de confinement, une autre en anglais, that keeps us staying alive. :mrgreen:
Pardon, humilité, humour, hasard, confiance, humanisme, partage, curiosité et diversité sont des gros piliers de la liberté et de la sérénité.

Diagnostiqué autiste en l'été 2014 :)